
Get in touch

Loughborough Primary School

Minet Road




School Office Hours:

Monday to Friday 8.00am - 4.00pm

Key Contacts

Headteacher: Graziella Williams

Office Manager: Ms Nellisa Johnson

Chair of Governors: Sarah Haines

Where we are...

Who can help?

We would be pleased to answer any enquiries you may have either by telephone or email. Follow our guidance on who's best to handle your enquiry below.

Chair of Governors: Sarah Haines

You can find details of who to contact about complaints on our complaints page here

Please contact the office explaining the reason for absence. If your child is absent due to illness you must tell the school as soon as possible. You should do this by calling the school office number, 020 7274 8374. You must call us on the first day of absence and any further days that your child is absent.

The school must be notified of all medical appointments in advance. Parents are requested to provide confirmation of the appointment. Details on our attendance procedures can be found here.

The policy of the school, the Trust, the local authority and the Government is to say no to holidays during term time. There are some exceptional circumstances which can be found here.

In all cases an exception term time leave request myst be made in writing. This form is available from the office.

Graziella Williams (Headteacher) is the safeguarding lead. You can find her on the school gate every morning and afternoon. If it is an emergency please call the school on 020 7274 8374 or emailing FAO Safeguarding to  with your concern and a safeguarding lead will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also contact Lambeth Council's Safeguarding team by visiting:

All of our staff are teachers of SEND. If you have a specific query relating to our SEND provision, please look at our local offer here.

or alternatively speak to our SENDCO: Mrs Grace Maguire

For finance queries please contact Ms Nellisa Johnson

If a parent would like to request a paper copy of any of the information on this website, please contact our Office Manager, Ms Nellisa Johnson