Special Educational Needs

Ally Sprakes, headteacher at the Belham Primary School sitting on the steps of the school

We are an inclusive school committed to giving all our pupils every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards.

We provide education for all pupils through a variety of access strategies and the provision of resources and facilities as necessary.

All pupils' needs are considered and a range of flexible responses are available to accommodate and value their diversity. When necessary we support learning through appropriate external specialists, tailored to individual need.

Our SENDCo is Mrs Grace Maguire. She is responsible for coordinating provision for children with additional needs, for developing, implementing and monitoring the school's Inclusion and SEND Policy and facilitating specialist staff training, and for ensuring that parents are involved in and informed about their child's learning and support.

To get in touch, please contact:

Mrs Grace Maguire – senco@loughboroughprimarylambeth.org.uk

Grace can also be contacted via the school office.

A teacher teaching
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“Creating an inclusive environment is the most important thing a school can do. An inclusive culture is a prerequisite for an effective school: it brings happiness, a feeling of safety and being part of the community, and, of course, it impacts positively on learning, both in the classroom and beyond."

Education Endowment Foundation