
Loughborough Primary is a successful community school in Brixton, with Pre-school provision for 2- year olds and an on- site Nursery. We are able to offer full time and part-time places. We also have a thriving Breakfast Club and After-School Club. We run holiday schemes during the school holidays and offer a range of after-school activities.

We are part of the Brixton Learning collaborative, a group of 15 schools and Children Centres working together to improve outcomes for pupils, families and the local community through partnership working. Our team is motivated by our strong moral purpose and desire to achieve social justice for all pupils.


'Through education we nurture and inspire our children to take their place in the world as fulfilled global citizens.'


  • Try your best
  • Show resilience
  • Collaborate
  • Respect yourselves and others
  • Be safe and responsible 

We make a measurable difference to our children's lives. They leave us with a rounded education, well prepared for the demands of life in the 21st century. We have an open- door policy so please feel free to visit and find out more about us.

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Take a look at the brilliant self– portraits drawn by our year 1 class.  These portraits were inspired by Sonya Boyce, a British Afro-Caribbean artist.  Year 1 paid careful attention to the position of their facial features and chose their preferred medium (charcoal, oil pastels or pencils) to complete their work. Year 2 had a great time experimenting with a variety of mediums and techniques to create a large scale wolf. They made careful observations of their reference material and even managed to create a fur texture.  Take a look at their lovely wolves inspired by their class book. Year 5 looked at the struggles that the Windrush generation might of experienced and created a visual representation based on what they know of England and Jamaica. Year 4 really enjoyed this still life painting. They were responsible for arranging the composition of their objects and had a go at using variety of paint techniques, such as dabbing, stippling, washes and pointillism. They even created 3d forms by using shadows and highlights, making sure to carefully add black or white paint to their colours.  Wow, the year 6 children  did a fantastic job of    drawing these  realistic self –portraits. They followed in the steps of the artist Chuck Close, by using a grid to scale up their photos and ensure their proportions were accurate. Some were brave enough to use a fine liner to add shadow using different shading techniques like   cross -hatching, hatching, stippling and scribbling.

Art work

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